Drink Water to Lose Weight
Drink Water to Lose Weight
Drink Water to Lose Weight
Perhaps one of the most important simple things to do to lose weight is to drink plenty of water. It is usually recommended to drink 8 cups a day, and it should be noted that what is common is to drink eight cups, which is equivalent to two liters of water, but this is the recommended minimum and is known in advice and recommendations, but this amount may vary from one case to another, depending on the age. Children may need a different amount. For adults and certainly for the elderly, the matter also differs according to gender. Females

certainly need a different amount than males. Another important factor that may affect the body’s need for hydration is the nature of the activity and the nature of the weather. A person who does a lot of movement is expected to need a different amount. For another person who does not exert much effort, and if we imagine, for example, a person in a hot country who works the same number of working hours and the same job, for example, a teacher who works six hours a day in a country with cold weather, his need for water will differ from another teacher in a hot climate, even if we install all Other factors: If the teacher in a cold country and the teacher in a hot country are the same age, the same gender, the same weight, and the same number of working hours and only differ, the nature of the weather will reflect on the body’s heat and the loss of water through sweat, which makes the class need more water depending on the temperature surrounding it
We must also note that the general health condition of the body may affect the extent of a person’s need to drink water. Some medical conditions, for example, cause the body to excrete a lot of water through urination, and some medications may lead to the same thing. In this case, the body will need a different amount of water, as A temporary condition may occur in the body, such as a person suffering from distress and diarrhea. At this time, it may only be for a few days, but this always causes the body to lose a lot of water with the stool. Liquid stool comes out with a larger amount of water than the stool in the normal state, and so we must compensate. That much water lost. This condition also reminds me of a condition that may be similar or somewhat similar, which is the condition of the menstrual cycle. A woman who has had her menstrual cycle for three days has an excess amount of fluid coming out of her body during the rest of the days of the month. Compensation and balancing must be made for this additional amount lost, especially these days.
How much water do we need?
As we mentioned above, the advice of two liters of water is a well-known saying, and I think that the popularity of this matter results from

the saying that each of the two kidneys needs a liter of water to work efficiently, but there is a more accurate way to calculate or arrive at a more accurate perception of what the body needs of water, which is Most people under the age of sixty need an average of thirty milliliters of fluid per kilogram, and people over the age of sixty need, on average, twenty-five milliliters of fluid per kilogram. This method is also considered a shortcut to calculate what the body may need. According to the factors of age and weight, the result may be somewhat inaccurate because it did not include the rest of the other factors, but the recommendation is that this is the minimum, and if the effort increases or the air temperature rises, then the person must increase the amount resulting from this equation, and if we want to reach an example with numbers Regarding the person’s weight, we will find that a person who weighs eighty kilograms and is less than sixty years old will need two thousand and four hundred milliliters per day. If we assume that a person weighs one hundred kilograms, he will need three thousand milliliters, or three liters.
There is another way to calculate the amount of water that should be drunk, which is that each calorie that is burned requires one milliliter of water. If a person is making an effort to burn two thousand calories per day, he should drink two liters of water, and the more calories lost from The body must increase the amount of water that a person consumes. If I work harder one day and burn two and a half thousand calories, I will have to drink two and a half liters.
Trying to get into the habit of drinking the recommended amounts may take some time to work on. Your body needs a large amount of water. Water not only flushes out all the toxins from your body but also makes you feel better and healthier. When you drink a lot of water, you start feeling fit, and this is the motivation you need to lose weight.
The best thing about water is that you can drink it as much as you want because it contains no calories at all. When you drink lots of water, you also eat less because you won’t feel as if you’re starving to death. Remember, if you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first, and you will realize that you are probably dehydrated and not hungry at all.
The 8-cup-a-day rule is really something we should strive for. The best way to do this and measure the amount of water you drink is to buy a container that we designate for drinking water, preferably made of glass, stainless steel, or even clean pottery, so that it does not interact with the water. If we only find a plastic container, it must be It is the type of plastic number five and is intended for use several times. However, care must be taken even with this type of plastic not to put hot water in it as much as possible and not to put acidic materials or mixtures in it that may lead to interaction with the plastic. If, for example, a person is preparing any recipe to help him improve his health condition or help him lose weight, such as adding some drops of lemon to water or a spoonful of vinegar,. These substances, lemon and vinegar, are ultimately acids that can react with plastic materials. In this case, we have introduced an unpleasant substance to the body and we are trying to clean the body or We are trying to improve public health or even prevention. For example, when a person wants to add lemon or vinegar, he must use another container, such as a glass cup or a smaller bottle. He takes the large plastic container that contains water, places a pot in the cup, and adds lemon, vinegar, or any other additives to it. Recommended.
How do we drink the water?
After we decide how much water we should drink and bring it, we must be aware of how we will drink this water in order to get the best benefit, and in order to understand what or reach the reader in the following paragraph, we must note together that when drinking water we are seeking a general benefit for the whole body and that this benefit is at the highest degree according to the information that has reached us through expertise, experiments, and studies. For example, if a person feels very thirsty because he was walking in the desert in hot weather, when he finds water, he will drink, and his primary goal in controlling his drinking behavior at this moment is extreme thirst, and his body and mouth need to feel quenched. If, for example, a person has a problem with the kidneys and always wants to drink water so that the kidney problem does not worsen and he does not develop stones, then his drinking water in this case will aim to periodically drink the largest amount of water during the day so that stones and water do not form. He performs a process similar to dialysis. If, for example, a person ate a large amount of sugars and wants to excrete some of them through urine, he will have to drink a quantity of water after eating this meal that contains sugars. If a person drinks water because he suffers from dry skin and wants to compensate for what he loses in sweat, he should drink whenever he feels sweaty to compensate for what he loses.
But is there a way that can bring together all these benefits for us, or the best way to eat and drink water and fluids in general? As we mentioned above, a person should drink approximately two liters. If a person drinks a liter of water when he wakes up and a liter of water in the evening, then he will enter his body with two liters. But this method is certainly not the best method, and according to the information we have received, the best method that will help in obtaining the greatest amount of benefit from water for all organs of the body is to drink water in an amount of two hundred milliliters each time, i.e., its amount. Approximately a small cup, and the time interval between each time of drinking should be about twenty minutes. I remember that the information that gave this advice linked this method to the benefit to the liver from drinking water. Drinking a large amount of water at once may have a good effect on the kidneys. However, in order for the liver to benefit from water, drinking must be done gradually and distributed over periods.
Water for losing weight
Perhaps we should not ignore the benefit of drinking water for weight loss, which implies that simply filling the stomach with anything may give signals to the brain not to want to eat and that in some cases there is confusion between the feeling of hunger and the feeling of thirst, and perhaps we have gone through this experience ourselves or seen it with those around us. The person says, “I was feeling hungry, but I drank something until the food was prepared, and when the food came, I no longer felt like eating.”
We must also remember that simply entering water into the body and leaving it, after all the health benefits that water provides to the body, does not add any calories. On the contrary, some studies in Germany say that drinking two liters burns about ninety-six calories for every hundred calories. Once water enters and leaves the body,.